
Disclaimer Statement: Within the pages of this website, www.christian-living-today.com, we offer various health and nutritional options which are made available for both educational and entertainment purposes only.

The information provided here should not be used or relied upon as a substitute for any type of disease, symptom, or condition that may require professional medical help. You should also not forward any information on this site to any third party something, nor direct it to any individual in which he or she may rely solely on the information contained in this website.

Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health related advice given by your health care provider because of something you may have read or learned from this website. Use of any and all of the information contained herein is entirely and solely at your own risk and discretion.

Developments in medical research may impact the nutritional and health advice in the website. There is no assurance that the advice or opinions found in this site will always include the most recent findings or development to that particular material.

I am not a medical doctor; therefore, it is suggested and highly recommended that you, or anyone reading the materials on this website seek out medical/mental advice in the diagnosis and/or treatments of any medical/mental conditions from a certified health care professional, medical doctor, or mental health practitioner.

FDA Disclaimer: None of the above statements on this page or throughout this website have been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. Information provided or products endorsed or promoted in this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease, or medical/mental conditions.

Thank you,

Charlene Laguer
